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Genealogy Sites and Resources
This link is to the Family History Library of the LDS church. The
library has the most extensive genealogy collection in the world.
Microfilm can be requested and viewed at your nearest Family History
This is a forum of people who discuss family research ( and other
related topics) of Czech, Slovak and Rusyn origin. It is one of my
favorites. List members include many from Eastern Europe. I have
learned so much from the “Experts” who write on this
This address is not just for Jewish researchers. ShtetlSeeker is the
best place to locate your ancestral village on a map.
Since most of my immediate family lived in Luzerne County PA, I
monitor this website a good bit.
This Northeastern PA genealogy web site gave me some good information
when I was trying to locate my grandfather’s naturalization
papers. They were able to send me a copy of it for a very small fee.
This is the “royal family” of genealogy lists. There are
a lot of links to Eastern European information here.
Since my family history is Lemko (Carpatho Rusyn) the many articles
on the Web site have been educational. All my life I was told my
family heritage was Ukrainian and I could never understand why the
family villages were never located in the Ukraine. During the
Austro-Hungarian reign, the areas of what is now western Ukraine and
eastern Poland comprised the crownland of Galicia. The crownland was
split up after WWI. The links of the people, now a part of Poland,
to the people, now a part of Ukraine/USSR, were their religion
(Byzantine), the Cyrillic alphabet and their political leanings.
Gen Web There are many reference articles
here that help you communicate with archives in Eastern Europe.
This gentleman’s website has helped many researching in
eastern Slovakia. He gives guidelines on organizing your search.
provides a simple explanation on how to start your family
I belong to this organization. They publish a very nice journal,
also a membership booklet. They lead an annual summer tour “over
the pond” emphasizing Rusyn heritage.
Lots of information here for those researching areas of Poland. Even
though my ancestors never considered themselves Polish, it so happens
that their former lands now reside within Poland today.
In 1999, I read a genealogy article in Time magazine
that gave this web address, saying that if you have been told that
your heritage is Ukrainian, better check out this site. I wrote to
the Webmaster telling him what I knew about my family. Fortunately,
I knew the name of my paternal grandfather’s village, Swiatkowa
Wielka (of course my spelling of it was atrocious) He helped me
locate the village on a map and sent me the information from the 1787
Austrian Cadastral. That is what got me started on finding my roots
and I have been thankful for the internet ever since.
Great Message Lists
Border Surnames I have learned so much by
belonging to its message list. There is an extensive list of
members’ surnames, which is updated weekly. A long lost cousin
found me on this list and we have shared photos and family
information ever since. A great site!
This, again, is that great Website for Czech, Rusyn and Slovak chat.
Click on the WHATS NEW link to find some fun stuff and interesting
facts related to Eastern Europe.
Groups : bukowsko_triangle For those
interested in Dudynce and vicinity, this message list has lots of
knowledgeable members who are researching villages in the Gmina of
Bukowsko, southeastern Poland.
Town/City History
County, Pa. Town Histories From this page
you can select the histories of Edwardsville, Hanover Twp. Hazleton,
West Hazleton, Plymouth Boro and Wilkes Barre
Patch Histories of communities including
McAdoo which is close to Hazleton Pa. It has a map (1875) and
history of Jeansville and some information on the Jeansville Iron
Works, among other things.
the Greater Hazleton Health Alliance tells
about the modern day health services for Hazleton residents which
evolved from the State Hospital for the treatment of Miners and the
Corrigan Maternity Hospital which were a part of my family’s
early days.
of Hazleton and Surroundings
History from prehistoric to
of Wilkes-Barre, PA - Capt'n Clint's Place
documents some of the disasters that occurred in the area including
the Agnes flood of 1972 which I remember. Several of my relatives
lived along the dikes of the Susquehanna River and in the “flats”
area and their houses were swept away.
Massachusetts -- History in the early 1900s
Slavic immigrants came in large numbers. The National Park markers
tell of locations of dormitories along Derby Street where immigrants
would lodge until they could get established working in the factories
in the area.
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Language Translation
This site translates both ways. POL>ENG and ENG>POL I have
used it when writing to some Polish families I met in 2002 on my
ancestral pilgrimage. I don’t know how accurate it is and
perhaps I put a few smiles on faces trying to read my translated
letters. However!! It has helped me out in the reverse.
Ellis Island Records Information
Using this site is the easiest way to search the Ellis Island
records. Put in the first few letters of your ancestral village and
you can print out all of the names of immigrants from that village.
In my quest I came up with approximately 185 people from Dudynce, 185
from Swiatkowa and 80 from Hrabovcik
This is the official Website of Ellis Island. What a wonderful
thing it was when these records became searchable online. There were
some difficulties with misspellings, but anyone who has tried to read
the handwriting of old records understands how this could happen.
All in all it was great to see my grandmother’s entry on the
ship manifest in the original handwriting.
Looking for a way to honor your immigrant ancestors? You need to do
this. There is a permanent Wall of Honor at Ellis Island upon which
your immigrant ancestors’ names can be etched. I had submitted
some names of relatives and in May of 2003 I visited the island and
found their names on the wall. The Ellis Island buildings have all
been refurbished and the exhibits are appealing. It was a good
feeling to have “walked the walk” of ones ancestors and
to have sat on the benches and climbed the same stairs as they did in
their quest for admission to the USA.
by Stephen P. Morse This man is a genius
and has made the searching of Ellis Island records and other records
so much easier. What a help he has been to genealogists online.
Click on this address to see all of the ways he can help you search
for information on your family.
Foreign Record Sources
You can use google translate to translate the whole page into
English. This is the online telephone directory of Slovakia. Enter
at least the first three letters of the name you seek. If you don’t
know the telephone area code, enter the number 0. You can double
check the spellings of your surnames using this site or find people
with the same surname in your ancestral town. Who knows, you may
find a pen pal.
USA Record Sources
Cultural Information
Svidnik is about 2 miles east of my ancestral village, Hrabovcik.
Click on the English button then click on the history button on the
site to learn what led residents to emigrate.
Poland, Photos Sanok is a few miles away
from my ancestral village, Dudynce.
in Poland Web site has cameras positioned in
various towns/cities in Poland. You can click and see what is going
on at that moment in that place. Remember that Poland is 6 hours
ahead of EST in the USA
Map & costumes See traditional Lemko dress
also discusses embroidery styles.
of the Ukrainian Church in America A good
bit of history here regarding the immigrants and the church. This is
the church of my heritage
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Web Page Design
These are the two sites that helped me most (If I
can do it, anyone can.)
When you get to the point of letting others know your site is
online, this site can help you get the word ou
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